Perhaps my rants will amuse you. Indeed, some will offend you. But you don't have to agree with me. In fact, disobedience is encouraged. Not here to convert, but to light a spark in that lumpy gourd three feet above your ass and encourage the lost art of thinking...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Flying the False Flag - The Intricate Denial of American Imperialism

Since our nation's founding, our government has used false flag missions to sink our own ships or deliberately provoked other nations to attack us in order to justify acts of war and conquest with strong public support. But around the 1960's, the military-industrial complex really grew a brain and instead of targeting specific nations or peoples, they decided to start targeting ideologies. Why? Because this allows a nation to invade any country they want that support such ideologies, and they can do it without public support or government checks and balances. These wars on ideologies also allow the government to put enough fear into the public convincing them to give up their rights in the name of security, and giving lots of power to covert agencies like the CIA to perform top secret missions unknown to the public. First it was Communism (Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Cold War), then the war on drugs (Panama, Colombia, South America), now a war against dictatorships and terrorism (Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Africa).
It is obvious that America, like all great empires before it, has always been on the offensive in regards to securing subordinate nations, conquering and acquiring territory and resources, and taking more power from the people and putting it into the hands of the few through utilization of fear and uniting citizens against a common, yet non-specific, enemy. This has made manipulating the public and stripping them of their rights much easier for those in power because without a specific enemy, they can point the finger at anyone or anything and justify an offensive, and often violent, attack on any sovereign nation that can be linked to targeted ideology.
The invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, two of the longest wars in our nation’s history, were brought forward by the false-flag operations on 9/11 that unfolded with precision in front of our eyes as the idiot box filled our heads with the horrific and traumatizing drama that unfolded that day. Under such stress, duress, anger, and fear, the American people weren’t thinking about their rights being stripped away from them or the Bush administration using the events of 9/11 to fuel enough public support to justify invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The “War on Terror” followed giving Bush and the Feds the rights to invade our privacy, investigate us with no probable cause, and gave the Bush Administration the ability to invade not one, but two, sovereign nations. Nations that we used to supply intelligence, weapons and training to in order to fight the Soviets, or even each other in the case of Iran and Iraq.
I have been called a nut job, a conspiracy nut, crazy, idiotic, ridiculous, Mel Gibson, etc, etc, etc. But I stand to this day, with conviction, that the events of 9/11 and the events that followed, such as Bush blaming Bin Laden to invade Afghanistan and accusing Hussein of possessing weapons of mass destruction to invade Iraq, were part of a planned and executed false-flag mission. Like all military false-flag missions before it, both implemented and not implemented (sinking of the USS Maine, sinking of the Lusitania, sinking of the Athenia, FDR’s “8 Insults to Japan”, the “surprise” attack at Pearl Harbor, espionage and covert ops in Korea and Vietnam, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Operation Northwoods, supporting both sides of a war between Iran and Iraq, the invasion of Kuwait), the events on September 11th were either directly executed or blatantly allowed by the military-industrial complex in order to provoke the American public into supporting a war. In the case of 9/11, the war would rage against global terrorism and Islamic radicals.
Such support would allow the US to invade sovereign nations in the Middle East in search of “terrorist regimes”, securing those nations by placing our troops on their soil, and propping up puppet regimes that enjoy protection and power in exchange for American access to resources. And since, theoretically, terrorism can exist anywhere, the US is now justified in their invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and possibly future conflicts with Syria and Iran. These areas are rich in oil and other natural resources, vital to the opium trade, and are strategically located to the west of one of our nation’s largest global threats, China, and to the north is our nation’s other long-time enemy, the Russians. Any way you cut it, Americans are just expanding their territory and conquering lands for imperial and geopolitical gain. But since you can't make an omelet, or in this case a conquest, without breaking eggs, with eggs being American soldiers lives and/or mental health, you have to make sure you make the soldiers and the people at home feel like the conquest is justifiable, necessary, and must be done at all costs.
Some people just can’t admit that the American nation is an empire, like the British or the Roman Empire. And just like the British and the Romans, those in power are hungry for more money, more power, more resources, and more of the things that make a nation wealthy and secure. And when the American people are war weary and not ready to sacrifice their sons to conquer and pillage, you have to liven them up with fear and make them feel endangered by any means possible, even if it means staging attacks on your own people and property. Just like they say with business, “if you’re not growing, you’re dying,” and the same holds true for global hegemony. And with every false flag we have flown to incite the American people to go to war, we have mobilized, defeated, and conquered.
        Americans are imperialistic, despite our strategic attempts to deny that we are conquerors at heart. But just like the British and the Romans, we appear to be crumbling from the inside out as our reach expands further and further while at home our education is failing, infrastructure deteriorating, industry shrinking, money inflating, government corrupting, and citizens turning against one another over divided party lines. What do you think? Is America an empire? Would our government and military-industrial complex go so far as to stage attacks on Americans to provoke devastating, yet profitable, wars? Are we rotting from the inside out as our American empire grabs beyond it's reach?

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