Perhaps my rants will amuse you. Indeed, some will offend you. But you don't have to agree with me. In fact, disobedience is encouraged. Not here to convert, but to light a spark in that lumpy gourd three feet above your ass and encourage the lost art of thinking...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

That’s Amore!

       Ahh, love! It’s a powerful emotion that all people experience in some form or fashion in their lifetime. People love all sorts of things. There are all sorts of people, places and things that we claim to love through our lifetime. Who, where, and what we love is what defines us as individuals. It’s what motivates our thoughts, words, and actions. It’s what makes life worth living day to day and what brings joy to our existence.
Although love takes different forms (familial, platonic, sexual, etc) and even though you can love a person, place, or thing, the personal feelings associated with love are typically the same from all forms; joy, satisfaction, a sense of belonging, and typically a feeling of being rewarded because you are getting some sort of protection, companionship, and/or pleasure for that which you love.
But here is my beef with love. People often put love on a pedestal high above the other primitive emotions that play into our psyche, and sometimes even above logic and rationality. Some even go so far as to say that God is love.  Now what this assumes is that love is somehow better, different, or more virtuous than all of the other emotions. In fact, all of our other primitive emotions are often referred to as “sins” or transgressions including envy, lust, wrath, greed, gluttony, sloth, and pride, which are all natural, instinctual reactions built into our minds. So what’s the deal? Why is love given special treatment as opposed to the other primitive emotions that we badmouth and are often encouraged to avoid in life?
Is it because love is associated with joy and happiness? What? Like the other emotional “sins” listed above don’t put smiles on all our faces? Our envy and greed is what motivates us to succeed, to accomplish, to conquer, to accumulate wealth. Our lust motivates us to find sexual partners and enjoy sex. We love to stuff our faces and drink until we can’t stand. We grin ear to ear when we can take a nap on a rainy afternoon instead of mowing the lawn. And we love to see ourselves excel and boast about our abilities. What some people call “sin” is what all people call pleasure. You can tell because from the above emotional “sins” is where the most profitable industries in our society are spawned, including the industry of religion itself.
And before you say these emotional “sins” have a dark side, are you honestly going to tell me that love doesn’t have a dark side? Love, like any other emotion, can overpower our logical reasoning and rationality, which make us do some really stupid shit. Some people go broke, some people get abused, some people break from their family, and some people just go fucking crazy in the name of love. Stalking, abuse, depression, suicide, drugs. All of these things can easily creep from the ashes of love when we lose someone, someplace, or something for which we had a legitimate and strong love. And what about the feeling of attachment and dependence that we get from love, which makes letting go that much more punishing?
And it’s not as if love doesn’t hold hands with some of our other primitive emotions. People often say that all of the “sins” of humanity go hand in hand,  some closer than others. Does love not go hand in hand with lust? Lust is typically what initiates a relationship between two lovers even if they wait to engage in sex. What about envy? Show me one married man or woman that doesn’t get jealous when their spouse hits on or is hit on by another potential partner. What about wrath? Vengeance and violence are very intertwined in some loving relationships. Me and my older brothers were frequently violent towards one another growing up, but I have no doubts that I loved my brothers then and love them now. And pride? Nobody wants to be with a partner or friend or family member that they aren't proud of being with for whatever reason. Respect is a part of love.
        The truth is that love is just like all of the other primitive emotions in our minds. There is a light side and dark side to it, and it should always be self-examined and scrutinized by rationality and logical reasoning. Just like envy, and lust, and sloth, and gluttony, and wrath, and pride, and greed, the emotion of love can be very gratifying, but it can also punish you. Love is NOT all pleasure and and reward, and if it is left unchecked by our higher, less primitive mind, love can be just as destructive and dark as it is creative and joyful. God is not love. God is logical reasoning and rational thought, which should always govern the more primitive emotional capacities of the mind, including that of love.

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